Sabtu, 29 Januari 2011

thankyou :)

this is 2011. thanks God for your caring & for your loving. i love you God, yes i do.

for this begining year, I'm ON STRESS ! how come? of course from my final project. just 2weeks later my time, can i? sebenarnya gw udah pasrah bgt sama keadaan final project gw. bab 4 yg paling menyita wktu, tp malah bab itu yg belom jadi :(

tapi kl gw berhenti disini, apakabar usaha dan pengorbanan gw slama ini? jadi manusia kok lemah gini ya? kl emg ga tidur slama 2 minggu bisa menghasilkan bab 4, knp tidak gw lakukan? okee.. i'll try. yes, i am.

on processing final project, sometimes there so many angle that God send to accompanny me, to live my life :)

poltak caesarrio hutagaol, this man sometimes makes me scared about my future. trushty it, he's word sometimes killing me out. yes, it works. maybe, he's the angle that God have, his support makes me know how to serve myself when i'm on stress. thankyou krebipeti :) -and, i don't know for what reason our togetherness, but thankyou-

bagus prasojo, OH MY GOD, this is the real kindy mand that i ever had before. he's very helpfully. he's makes me to be me, he support me, he try to solve my problems, and ofcourse he always there beside me. i love you, gus :) be nice always.

pak mandala, how can i say so thankyou, sir? you're the really man that i ever know. you threat me as my own self. you always support me, your understanding makes me want to be my best self, and you're always be my friend indeed (;

and.. all of my napo. i love you so :)

this final project just i dedicated to all of you, and my lated man: my superhero daddy, finally it's finished. are you happy dad? and to my lovely mom, thanks for you. know how much i love you? ohh unspeable, mom :)

Selasa, 18 Januari 2011

the lated man, 2 years

Maybe I'm going to anywhere in this entire world,

but for sure I'll never leave you..

-pa, aku ingat slalu kata2 ini, please always beside me. keep your promises on me truth (:-

i miss you so damn much daddy, it's over 2 years. how are you? how your day? are you happy? please tell me. will you meet me on my dream this nite? hopefully it.

Sabtu, 01 Januari 2011

new year :)

okay, new year use to be colorful, but i want to be neutral, so i choose to be black and white.

so here we go again the new year
New year, brand new you.
But dont meant that we have to change everything in our life, let we just leave the bad ones and keep the good ones. sounds so cliche, eh?

here are my 2011 resolutions, hope i can reach them all:)