Sabtu, 12 Maret 2011

my busy "holiday"

well, in the middle of my daily rutine i've got my busy "holiday". i plan to have holiday in palembang to meet fenny's family and nia's. just a few photo that i can share, enjoy it to remind memory in that town. and i'll miss to go back to palembang in the short holiday maybe, i wish. :p

oh i think i do something wrong when i upload the photos. it must the jogja's photos there after the palembang's. but enjoy it.

after i've spent 3 days in palembang, i do the next trip to jogja, where many stories in the old time had done. i'm going to jogja with nia, my bestfriend. i really enjoy my holiday. and i don't back to reality :( i need more holiday :(

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