Jumat, 13 Mei 2011


well, my recently day was fully of tears. oh, don't think the tears come from broken heart or what else same with it. it comes from the true story inspiring me to move on to live my life. for the last day i was already finished watching film "1litters of tears" this film truly inspiring me to walk my day with hope. the film tells us about a girl just 15years old have a serious disease. she's got it. and don't you know, when the doctor says your life isn't longer than the other guys. you just think it's so impossible, because you know that all day long was healthy. her name : Aya. she's got decreases function of brain. it's seriously can make you die. but, Aya when she know she got it, she just pray, hope, and with all her energy, she makes her life so beautiful. she always cheers up eventhough she can't :'( her spirit to live her life so amazing. thanks aya for inspirator :') and for the second, i was already read book. this book recomended from my friend. the book "KAMU SEKUAT AKU" tell us about the girl live in bandung and have study at FSRD ITB. she has a seriously diseases too, cancer. oh No, she just young. but she has many spirit to become health. when i read it, my tears can't stop turn down :'( and... the last but not the least. i have read, the book can inspiring me too, and of course all of you guys :) I read through the first chapter and I was all teary already. His life is uneasy, at least compared to mine, mine is way easier.

i want to share some passage :
"For the longest time, I thought that if my body were more 'normal' my life
would be a breeze. What I didn't realise was that I didn't have to be normal,
I just had to be me, my Father's child, carrying out God's plan. At first,
I was not willing to confront that what was really wrong with me wasn't my body,
it was the limits I put on myself and my limited vision of the possibilities for my life.
If you aren't where you want to be or you haven't achieved all you hope to achieve, the reason most likely resides not around you, but within you. Take responsibilities and then take action. First though, you must believe in yourself and your value. You can't wait for others to discover your hiding place. You can't wait for that miracles or 'just the right opportunity'. You should consider yourself the stick and the world your pot of stew. Stir it up!
The fact is that as mere mortals, you and I have limited vision. We can't possible see what lies ahead. That's both the bad news and good news. My encouragement to you is that what lies ahead may be far better than anything you ever thought possible. But it's up to you to get over it, get up and show up!
Whether your life is good and you want to make it better, or whether it's so bad you just want to stay in bed, the fact is that what happens from this very moment is up to you and your Maker. True, you can't control everything. Too often, bad stuff happens to people no matter how good they are. It may not be fair that you weren't born into a life of ease, but if that is your reality, you have to work with it.
If you are still searching the path in life, know that it's okay to feel a little frustration. This is a marathon, not a sprint. Your yearning for more meaning is a sign that you are growing, moving beyond limitations and developing your talents..."

Thank you, Nick. You are truly inspiring.

"Wherever you are, though you have no arms to hug me, you have no hands to pat my back...you successfully speak to my heart, possibly to millions hearts...
Often, we look down to ourselves, we think that we have no hopes and we are trapped in a bad situation... it is us who makes it that way...

I will try to wake up every morning, thank God for what he has given me, thank for the blessings I receive every single day and share them with others as I go."

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