Kamis, 19 Agustus 2010

ini untuk lo, RIHDO MAESA !!!

pagi ini dimulai dgn bete !!!

maav blogger, gw mau numpahin kekesalan gw. maav gw ga sopan di bulan penuh hikmat cennah !!! tp suer gw bete bgt !!!

pernah ngerasa org yg pnh lo sayangin bgt jadi musuh lo bgt ? gw sih mengalaminya... apa salahnya berteman? yaudah, gw harap ini crt trakir gw ttg lo ya, dan smoga aja segala komunikasi kita terputus. batin & fisik. real dan dunia maya !!

gw memenuhi semua permintaan lo, lo males liat gw? fine, it's your way ! so fly with it, i hope it is the best ! amin !

gw sih sebenarnya pengen ngomong lgsung ke lo, tp sori sori jek kayanya impossible. so, kirim salam sama masa depan lo yang bakalan luar biasa tanpa masa lalu lo. hapus aku !

bribu permintaan maav udh gw lontarkan sblm ini, jadi kayanya lo juga udh males bgt. sumpah demi apapun kan lo males lihat gw !


Senin, 16 Agustus 2010

is that wrong to be your friend, man ?

heloow blogger, we meet again !

many times, after i'd finished my status with my ex, i spent time to my own life. many story bout me after my relationship broken...and now, my focus is to my Last task, "skripsweet" and i want to make it perfect, without any excuses.

blogger, i want to introduce my new friend. his name ghali. actually, he is my ex's friend. ghali was ending his relationship with his girl right with me. but in ghali case, his ex had a new realtionship again. how poor ghali or how poor his ex, guys?

we can judge who is the right one and the wrong one. it's just life, there is the black and the white one.

everyday, ghali just repentanced his own way. he always told to me, how he so damn much love his ex, and want to make the new n fresh relationship with his ex again. everyday and everyday.

everyday, he want me to help him. first he want me to meet his ex, to say how ghali's conditons and ghali want to say sorry about his mistakes and want to be her boyfriends again. but it's impossible, coz his ex just start her new realtionship and she say that she was happy with the new one.

oke, the second ghali want me to help him, to forgot his ex, but i know ghali can't do it. everytime, when we talk, he always talk about his ex. hehehee :P

but, ghali is the man. he can sportif with his own way. and i want to say to his ex, ghali always love you.

hmmm...now blogger, after so long time i'd ended my relationship i feel flat. i don't know why, and now our relationship with my ex was so scream. we just like there in the 3rd world wars. i know i've a mistakes, and i want to say sorry.

for the information that i'd herd, he just start the new realtionship with the jakarta's girl. oke, first i want to say congratz my boy, finally you. and i hope with your new GF, you'll be happy than ours last.

i'm sorry for everything, for our last meeting,for so many my mistakes. i just want to be your friend, is that wrong? don't always to avoid me boy, you know it will hurt our relationship.

i don't want to disturb yours, i just want you to be happy. i just want we came back for the first time we meet, friends.

however, you ever be my man, my lovely boy, my part, my last life, and i love you it's serious, not my kidding joke. i hope you know that. and will you be my friend, man?

this blog i represented for ghali and his friends,my ex.

Selasa, 10 Agustus 2010

hello 22 !

ok , however the story that i want to tell about, it's my birthday !8 august >.<

my birthday so colourfull right, i'm very happy guys. when i wake up in the sunday morning, i just say hello for the new age , yep the twins number 22. many hope for this old, i hope it will be the good reason for me to be a good person, can win from wars with my egoland & my selfish. and i hope in this age, i can put SE, in the end of my name " winda astria, SE "

for this birthday, i just want to say thankyou so much for my part of my life, my MOM.. thanks for the best i ever had, mom. and dam, i love you so much :*

the second, of course for my bestiest my girls, NAPO ! oh no, thanks for the surprise, and i can't say how so damn much i love you all. please always be my baby.

and for many birthday wishes from all of you, so many thanks guys. without you, maybe it will be the bad day, thanks for the time we share together, for my man : " naldy, chery, bolis, martek, tomok ", for my ladies : "riris, eka, monica " i'm so happy with our last meeting in my birthday :*

for who are you, i know exactly, you're not forgot my BD, but it's ok. our new conditions can details it. thanks for your mom and your sisters. i hope our last relationship will be better than this.

and also i want to say thanks for my family for the present birthday. oh yes, i'm so happy with it. thanks a lot.

last not the least, my superhero, my daddy in heaven, i love you so much and i can't say how much i miss you so dad, thanks for the best father in this world. i hope you were here with me, or maybe i'll be there with you :*

... Jesus Christ, my savior, my Lord how much i love You, i'm nothing without You. thanks for the new age, for this day.

june, july =)

i'm back guys...
after the SP class for 2 month. (-.-)"

helloowww people, how are you ? HOW ARE YOU ??

-- after so long time no see, no blogging, no "cuap2", now i'm back home :* with so many story about my self, my friends, my ex, my bestiest, my lecture, my world, my future ?!? --

com'on follow me !

my last blog was 1 june told 'bout my bestiest my golo =) now, i want to tell 'bout golo again.. the last 20th june, golo was attend PETS CARNAVAL. so many pets there, dogs, cats, rabbits, and so on... there's so many cutey doggy, pom, chiwawa, shitzu, pekingse, yorkshire, maltese, golden, herder, and my other. and many categories contest, and MY BEST GOLO was the winner. he was win the male fashion contest. we're so proud with golo =) and after that we (me,rini&golo) take the pict together with the "koboi" custom. so funny :D

after june, it was july.. full of happines, sadness, cheerfull, cryfull ?!?!?

2nd july, nadya sri utami ( ghali's ex) was had "belated birthday" my friends (bodat,oki,doma,puspa,and of course ghali ) went to her home to gave the surprised. and of course dea was surprised, anyway happy belated birthday dea =D .

after that, so many hours i spend to hear ghali's talk about dea. yeah, he's so sad ! when dea gone, with her new boyfriends MR.A but it's life, sometimes we don't know how to makes it mine. but someday it will be, be done perfect if we can fix our problem with our possitiveness :D

and with july my self flow it ! i've the LKM class. full of task n presentation, i'm so so busy with it.. but i'm trying to enjoy it. and the end of july, the SP class was over. it' s mean UAS. be bless me GOD ! i wish it's perfect >.<"

....and i fell so flat right now. !