Selasa, 10 Agustus 2010

hello 22 !

ok , however the story that i want to tell about, it's my birthday !8 august >.<

my birthday so colourfull right, i'm very happy guys. when i wake up in the sunday morning, i just say hello for the new age , yep the twins number 22. many hope for this old, i hope it will be the good reason for me to be a good person, can win from wars with my egoland & my selfish. and i hope in this age, i can put SE, in the end of my name " winda astria, SE "

for this birthday, i just want to say thankyou so much for my part of my life, my MOM.. thanks for the best i ever had, mom. and dam, i love you so much :*

the second, of course for my bestiest my girls, NAPO ! oh no, thanks for the surprise, and i can't say how so damn much i love you all. please always be my baby.

and for many birthday wishes from all of you, so many thanks guys. without you, maybe it will be the bad day, thanks for the time we share together, for my man : " naldy, chery, bolis, martek, tomok ", for my ladies : "riris, eka, monica " i'm so happy with our last meeting in my birthday :*

for who are you, i know exactly, you're not forgot my BD, but it's ok. our new conditions can details it. thanks for your mom and your sisters. i hope our last relationship will be better than this.

and also i want to say thanks for my family for the present birthday. oh yes, i'm so happy with it. thanks a lot.

last not the least, my superhero, my daddy in heaven, i love you so much and i can't say how much i miss you so dad, thanks for the best father in this world. i hope you were here with me, or maybe i'll be there with you :*

... Jesus Christ, my savior, my Lord how much i love You, i'm nothing without You. thanks for the new age, for this day.

1 komentar:

  1. mungkin kau anggep aku ga konsisten... tp lihat perbedaan yg ada dan rahasia2 kecil yg kita miliki... kita berdua ga pernah lagi saling jujur mungkin karena ego,gengsi dll... aku cuma berharap kita bisa belajar untuk lebih dewasa dan berani mengatakan apa yg kita inginkan... thx
