Selasa, 10 Agustus 2010

june, july =)

i'm back guys...
after the SP class for 2 month. (-.-)"

helloowww people, how are you ? HOW ARE YOU ??

-- after so long time no see, no blogging, no "cuap2", now i'm back home :* with so many story about my self, my friends, my ex, my bestiest, my lecture, my world, my future ?!? --

com'on follow me !

my last blog was 1 june told 'bout my bestiest my golo =) now, i want to tell 'bout golo again.. the last 20th june, golo was attend PETS CARNAVAL. so many pets there, dogs, cats, rabbits, and so on... there's so many cutey doggy, pom, chiwawa, shitzu, pekingse, yorkshire, maltese, golden, herder, and my other. and many categories contest, and MY BEST GOLO was the winner. he was win the male fashion contest. we're so proud with golo =) and after that we (me,rini&golo) take the pict together with the "koboi" custom. so funny :D

after june, it was july.. full of happines, sadness, cheerfull, cryfull ?!?!?

2nd july, nadya sri utami ( ghali's ex) was had "belated birthday" my friends (bodat,oki,doma,puspa,and of course ghali ) went to her home to gave the surprised. and of course dea was surprised, anyway happy belated birthday dea =D .

after that, so many hours i spend to hear ghali's talk about dea. yeah, he's so sad ! when dea gone, with her new boyfriends MR.A but it's life, sometimes we don't know how to makes it mine. but someday it will be, be done perfect if we can fix our problem with our possitiveness :D

and with july my self flow it ! i've the LKM class. full of task n presentation, i'm so so busy with it.. but i'm trying to enjoy it. and the end of july, the SP class was over. it' s mean UAS. be bless me GOD ! i wish it's perfect >.<"

....and i fell so flat right now. !

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